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Grass Close Up

Interested in donating a lawn?

R&R Farms works mainly on whats called SPIN farming, Small Plot I-N-tensive. What that means is most of the plots are small converted backyard farms donated to us by wonderful Calgarians!


See the four step process below:



Step 1:

Tarping and plot occulation

While this tarping technique might not look very nice for now, it allows all the organic matter to break down underneath and be incorporated into the soil. Most importantly, it eliminates the need to till or rip out the grass, something we avoid in regenerative agriculture.

Step 2:

Tarp removal and cardboard

Once the tarp has done its work, we can take it off and layer the space with cardboard. The cardboard will break down and incorporate into the soil. In the mean time, it will help prevent any remaining grass or weeds from growing into the compost above.


Step 3:

Sheet mulching

On top of that cardboard is layered rows of 4-6 inch deep compost and wood mulch to create the grow beds and pathways. Lots of work, but worth it!

Step 4:


Pictured right is the first growing season of the donated lawn and its great! Look at all those beautiful veggies... this could be your yard!


Head over to the contact page to reach out.


Say hello!

(587) 215-1707

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